Addressing Student Complaints
UNC Charlotte is dedicated to fostering a respectful and supportive environment for all members of the University community. If a student has a concern or issue related to their living or learning environment, they may consider submitting a formal grievance through the University’s Student Grievance Policy. Students are encouraged to review relevant policies before pursuing a formal grievance.
The Dean of Students Office is available as a non-confidential resource to help students navigate their concerns, and a member of our team can provide guidance on the steps for addressing concerns about or grievances related to their University experiences. However, it’s important to note that the Dean of Students Office does not directly handle the grievance process itself. Instead, the Dean of Students Office can help students understand the available policies and direct them to the right resources.
The Student Grievance Policy is designed to facilitate a resolution in a constructive and respectful manner. The informal resolution process encourages students to address grievances by discussing the issue with the person involved or with the head of the relevant department or unit in a kind and productive way. If an informal resolution is not helpful or preferred by the student, the student may also choose to submit a formal grievance.
Helpful considerations before you submit a formal grievance:
- Informal Resolution vs. Formal Grievance Policy: The informal resolution process encourages you to resolve your concern by discussing the issue informally with the person involved or with the head of the relevant department or unit. On the other hand, the formal grievance policy entails formal procedures and could include an investigation or formal meeting. You do not have to automatically pursue the formal grievance policy first, nor do you have to attempt to resolve your concern through the informal resolution first. You have options and can ultimately choose how you would like to proceed based on your needs, desired outcomes, and your specific circumstances. A staff member from the Dean of Students Office or University Ombuds is available to meet with you and direct you to the right resources based on your unique situation.
- Concerns with Faculty: If your concern involves a professor or instructor, please reach out to the relevant department chair, as department chairs have direct oversight of faculty members.
- Grade Appeals: If you are appealing a final course grade, be sure to review the University’s Policy and Procedure for Student Appeals of Final Course Grades and follow the outlined steps.
- Existing Policies: Before submitting a grievance, check university policies to see if there is an established policy or process that addresses your specific concern.
- Submitting a Grievance: If you’ve already made reasonable efforts to resolve the issue and there is no clear policy to guide your concern, the Student Grievance Procedure applies to problems arising in the relationship between a student and the University that are not governed by other specific grievance procedures
- Personal Grief: If you are experiencing challenges due to grief from a personal loss, submitting a student grievance may not be the best resource for you. For assistance with absences related to personal grief, please refer to the absence verification process.
If you’re unsure whether submitting a formal grievance is the right course of action, or if you’d like more information on how to proceed, the Dean of Students Office is here to help. You can contact the Dean of Students Office at (704) 687-0345 or for general guidance, with general questions, or to to set up an appointment with a member of our team to discuss your specific circumstance.
Keep in mind that the Dean of Students Office is a non-confidential resource to assist students with navigating the grievance process. A confidential resource for navigating the grievance process can be found in University Ombuds.